Wall of Fame - The Brew Bag Brag & Swag Page
If you're a customer of ours and have a photo of the bag in action, awards or medals, clear brew, whatever - and you'd like to show your stuff on this page - send your stuff to - staff@brewinabag.com - in return for your permission to publish the stuff, we'll give you a one time use code for 50% off.
I've been brewing for about 4 years, 3 1/2 years with an Anvil Foundry with a brew bag. I love the equipment and processes, and I wouldn't brew without by Brew Bag. I've been able to brew great award winning beer with my setup. Thank you Brew Bag!
Scott Steenburg - 8/27/23

Steve Roth 8/29/23
I"ve been brewing with The Brew Bag since 2016. I’ve used the brew bag in 10g coolers, and now use it in a stainless steel RIMS mash tun, primarily to ensure grain stays out of my boil kettle.
I’ve brewed a world class award winning beer with The Brew Bag, and would recommend it to EVERYONE brewing all grain batches. Happy brewing!
Jay Wilkes 6/14/23

Seven years old and still going strong. Best investment I’ve made for brewing.

Here is my setup with 400 micron bag and pump. Very happy with the way it works. I bought the little diffuser on Amazon. Pumping at about 8
quarts per minute.
Video link here.
Michael Castagner
I saw your Hall of Fame link on your page and thought I would share my experience.

I’m a small batch home brewer that’s been brewing one to two times per month for almost 5 years with the Brew Bag. Other than some harmless discoloration the bag does not show any signs of wear. Great product.
Rob Resetar
8oz of whole leaf mosiac hop stand, using the 400 micron recirculating bag.
Using a kettle that was to small, need some ingenuity to rinse the grains, while reaching a pre-boil volume.
Garrett Shuck
I have 3! Cooler, kettle and my Electric "All-in-on" put to work today.
Nathan Koeppel
Robin Walker

Jerry Hirsch
My wife got me a Brew Bag for Christmas and I've enjoyed using it for the last couple of years. The Brew Bag makes the brew day go a bit quicker for an all-grain brew along with making clean-up easier. I squeeze the bag and the beers always turn out well.
Jeff Hatfield

Hey Brew Bag team!!

Jeff M
My first attempt at a short and shoddy biab american pale ale won me 1st in the pale american category at my local home brew contest. It's so nice to make tasty beer without the hassle. Can't wait to fire up the kettle again and make the next batch
Hi Guys,
Just wanted to tell you what a great product you have. I was an extract brewer and did not want to tie up all the space and time to clean the traditional "3 vessel" setup that most all grain brewers use.
I did a little research on line and came across the "brew in a bag" method. The results have been fantastic, my brew days are normally buttoned up by noon, cleanup and all!
I was describing my setup to a fellow home-brewer and after coming over for a joint brewing session I converted him to the "brew in a bag" method.
I have used this bag for well over 75 batches and, while it is stained from some "wicked dark" malt, it's still in good shape.
I clip the bag to my kettle, fill it with my crushed grain, put on my lid, wrap it up with some insulating sheet I got at Home Depot and let it mash. It holds temperature amazingly well, I usually only lose 1°-2° F. over an hour.
I mounted a pulley on the ceiling right over my stove so I can drain while beginning my boil. And don't be afraid to squeeze it out while draining, this is one tough bag!
I live near a malt house in Western NY and can get ingredients very reasonably, I never thought I could make beer this good at home. I just used some field corn from the back yard to brew a batch of cream ale. It turned out great!
Thanks again for a fantastic product!
Bill Brach

I switched to biab after attending a learn to brew day. Six months later entered into my first competition and received a silver medal. Biab simplifies my brew day, one pot, one filter(bag) and easy clean up. Thank you for your great product.
Steve Seithel
Love using The Brew Bag for my eBIAB recirculation system. Been using it for over 5 years and many 10 gallon batches holding over 25 lbs of wet grain and never have any worries. Solid craftsmanship!
Shannon Lang

Thanks for making an amazing product! My EBIAB setup I've built is awesome and this bag makes it all worth it. Consistently getting 75% or higher efficiency with your bags. Consistency is key in brewing and your product is that! Going strong after 30 brews still! Making the clearest wort ever as well!
Robert Narquis

I just want to say how impressed I am with the Brew Bag. Wow, this thing works so much better than my old one (BagBrewer). The old one was very nicely constructed and fit my setup like a glove but the mesh was too fine and I never got good recirculation. I purchased the 400 micron Brew Bag for my 20 gallon Concord tri ply kettle and wow am I amazed at the difference. The Brew Bag fits nicely as well, though a bit looser which is not a problem. Importantly, I can run my recirculation at near full open on my March pump and there is no buildup in volume, at least not during my first brew. The bag seems to drain very nicely, which makes getting proper mash temps so much easier. I always had to fight my old bag to get temps right. Thanks for making a very well constructed BIAB bag and thanks for shipping it out so quickly. Why did I wait???
Craig Walsh

Christopher Brown
Jason Hise

Jeff Mauriello
“Hello! I wanted to share my experience with not only the brew bag, but also the wonderful support from the company. I’ve been using the brew bag since the spring of 2013. About a year ago, I had finished mashing in and had placed the bag on the ground while I proceeded with the boil. A sneaky chipmunk must’ve smelled the delicious sweet grain, and proceeded to chew a hole in the bag and feast while I was busy tending to the boil. I contacted the people at brew bag, and they quickly sent out a patch to me to repair the bag. It’s been over a year, and several batches, and the bag is still going strong!
I can’t say enough how happy I’ve been with the brew bag. It’s won me numerous awards, including a Best in Show in New Jersey’s largest Homebrew competition of over 400 entries, Motown Mash. It has also helped me to win brewers choice in the Hudson Valley Competition just this past spring. Both beers were lagers, and brilliantly clear! I couldn’t be happier with the bag, or the wonderful support. Cheers to more winning brewing!”
Bill Goodman

Aaron Ritchie
American Homebrewers Association 1st Round 2019
Wood aged, fruit beer, and mixed fermentation sour fruit beer
Awesome beer news!!! I won a gold and silver for my sour beers in first round of the National Homebrew Competition and am moving to the finals in Rhode Island this summer!!!!
Love the brew bag! Here a few pics of our typical brew day. 12 gallon batches done in my 19 gallon pot. A couple beers ready for competition, Pilsner on the left hazy on the right. And proud brew dog Lennox showing off his hardware from the first 2 competitions.

Brian Sommers
Here's my brew bag in action, a photo of a tasty Munich Helles brewed in my bag, and some medals won in the last Music City Brew-Off!
Steve Tanner
Every winning batch — including two BOS’s — was made with a bag. My chickens enjoying spent grains from a Belgian Saison in progress. Their favorite treat!
George "Duke" Turner
Thought you'd like to know I scored a bronze medal (center purple ribbon!) in the brown and amber category of the National Homebrew Competition last year with a Kentucky Common done in your brew bag! Testament that you really don't all that fancy equipment to make award winning beer. Attached are pictures of my winnings - all with The Brew Bag.
Michael Allen

I brought a friend over on Sunday for his first brew day. We used my brew bag and it made the process a lot easier. I don't have a lifting system set up yet, so I lifted the bag out of the mash tun while he used silicon bbq gloves to squeeze the bag, before we transferred it to the sparge pot.

A few years back I jumped straight into BIAB and now I can't imagine brewing any other way. Where was this 20 years ago!?! So easy, and the beer is amazing. Also... I've tried other bags- these are the BEST!!
David Howard
I brew with The Brew Bag every time. Mostly traditional BIAB 5 gallon batches but an occasional batch sparge using the bag as a filter as well. I've found some success in competitions, recently taking a gold and a division win for a coconut stout. I even used a hop sock in the keg to hold a bunch of toasted, shredded coconut. Can't imagine ever doing a vorlauf again or worrying about properly setting the grain bed. Thanks for shortening my brew days and turning me on to the process of brew-in-a bag!
Steve Thanos
From the very beginning, Brew in a Bag was seen as an inferior way to brew. I remember this all the time whenever I happen to win a medal for one of my home brew beers. When I see others with their huge three vessel systems, I just think things don't need to be this complicated. The one thing I like the most about BIAB is the ability to crush my grains as fine as oatmeal. This is essentially the reason why BIAB produces such great results. I will always use BIAB. Cheers!
Jimmy Hill
I have been using the BIAB method for about 5 years now. I started by sewing my own bag and while it worked, I never felt confident that it would hold up to 18 to 20 lbs of wet grain. I have no worries with The Brew Bag! Solid construction, hefty seams, and strap handles that makes it easy to lift and drain at the end of mashing. Using The Brew Bag, I have been able to produce some beautiful and tasty brews - even placed in a few home brew competitions this year! Thanks for such a great product!
JR Renna
Thanks to Joe and Jase for doing the heavy lifting today, brewing a chocolate vanilla porter that will be split into 3 different beers in secondary: cherry 🍒 for Joe, coffee ☕️ for Jase, and peanut butter 🥜 for me. This was also the first BIAB batch with my new 30 gallon kettle & The Brew Bag. It was the easiest brew day I’ve ever had, and wish I would have switched to BIAB sooner. I anticipated 70% efficiency but was over 80%, overshot my OG by 9 points!
Eddie Martinez
This is an image me a typical brew day at my house. I have a BIAB that I use with my 10 gallon SS Brewtech Kettle: works like a charm! This session I was making single hop citra pale ale. I haven't entered this into a competition yet but I've had several people suggest that I do. I am very pleased with my BIABs. I own two bags: one that I use in my kettle and another I use for big beers in a cooler.
Brian Renstrom
I have been Doug brew in a bag for 4 years. Recently started using your hop bags also. These pictures are for a Hop Burst IPA using 10 ounces of Cascade hops in late additions. Couldn’t do it without the hop socks!
Sylvain Cossette
Czech Pilsner for kids. 😝 OG 1.050 SRM 4. My little boy always love brewing with me. Easy peasy with the Brew Bag.
Jeremy Howard
Great bag wouldn’t use any other one.
Jennifer Hutchison
Love it...here a few photos for your wall of Fame! 1st photo, we had just gotten our new set up, second a I quilted a cover to keep brew warm see that we are steeping in the bag, and 3rd is a shot of us milling grains straight into the bag.
Thanks ~ Jenzard

Brian Renstrom
Merlinus Monroe
Brewing 11 gallons of 9.25% ABV Peace With Corbn v. 2, a Belgian Dark Strong Ale!
Dave Corrasa
See attached photos of recent SMaSH (2-row + Cascade) totaling 11 lbs. of grain. I've also recently posted a video of my entire process. https://youtu.be/Ih10ORAY_qw
Dan Welch
I am submitting some pictures from an all grain BIAB 10 gallon batch brewed in September of 2018. It’s an IPA that came out to an ABV of 7.2%. The bag has taken everything I’ve thrown at it from 10lbs of grain to 30lbs. I love the ease of pulling the grain from the kettle with no mess! I hope these pictures are helpful. Enjoy!
My Christmas eve batches. A 20# grainbill for a golden strong @ 1.080 OG followed by second dunking partigyle baby beer @ 1.040 OG.
Michael Charlton
Old Ale brew evening. 21.5 lbs grist. I use a two pulley System to make it easier to lift.

Evan Myers
Love my brew bag! It makes my brew days go a whole lot faster, and more efficient! So easy to throw my grain in the bag, and pull it right out when mashing is complete! Forget about sparging with this bag!
Andy Sutton
Matt Hawley

Jeff Balicki

Hey Team!
Haven’t won any awards just yet, but the attached picture is of an imperial coffee stout that is still aging as we speak! I’ll say I was given tons of advice to get some DME, sparge slow, or flat out told large grain bills result in low efficiency so just expect to miss your target. I had a grain bill of over 18 lbs. my target OG was 1.085, with all the info I received I was expecting to hit maybe 1.075 Instead I drained as usual, no slow sparge and boom hit 1.086!

Attached is a picture of my first ever BIAB brew day, draining my grain bill in my new Brew Bag. OG was 1.076 with a FG of 1.012. No adjustments to my grain crush for the BIAB. Clean up was super easy and I kicked myself for not moving to BIAB sooner. Two more batches so far under my belt with all my numbers hit right on the head. These bags are great!

Here we have a RIS, about 27# of fermentable, O.G. 1.080, F.G. 1.013, no awards but I love your product, it's the only bag I use to brew with. Thanks
