

Used the All-In-One Malt Pipe Bag a couple weeks ago.  The bag fit perfectly. Used a pulley system to raise the pipe and remove the bag after mashing. I milled the grains twice, 1st at 0.05 and 2nd at 0.0375. Recirculated during mashing with no problems. I had almost no trub after mashing and sparging. Cleanup of the malt pipe was very easy because the grains stayed in the bag.  After emptying the bag of grains, the bag was easy to clean with basically a rinse.

Your product is well constructed and should last many years.


Dear Brew Bag Rex,

I wanted to thank you for your time and attention to an aspiring homebrew dad. I've been brewing for over 15 years but in the last 3 my son has taken my time.  I live in NYC and I used to have outdoor space. Brewing is easier outdoors. Now we live in a tiny apartment and I was forced to part with a bunch of my brew gear.


In comes The Brew Bag. I finally got the time this weekend to visit my mom and dad with my family and while the boy played in the kiddy pool I got to work brewing a saison. It is happily fermenting in the folks basement but wanted to say thank you for making an excellent product. It worked great and made my brew day quicker and easier. The strength of your bags is unmatched. Using The Brew Bag gives me a chance to brew all grain batches with so much less equipment. It's a perfect match for me.


When you offered to trade your brew bags for a big online homebrew store gift card you made my day. Now it's more like you are making my homebrew hobby life.
Excellent customer service and an excellent product. Thank you again for being awesome. 




Andrew S.
P.S. pictures to come, sorry but the day got away from me and I didnt take any.
P.p.s. hope to share a homebrew with you soon.



Name: Bob P. 

Email: pe**********@gmail.com
Phone: 828-777-****
Body: Just finished batch 142 using the same bag for all batches. Noticed a small hole near the bottom of the bag so I'll be retiring my old friend. Excellent service, I'd say. Thanks.


I just bought a Brew Bag. I was interested in using it to reduce costs by going all-grain without adding equipment. Once I had “stepped into” all-grain with the bag, I was planning to add equipment over time to get to that “authentic” all-grain brewing experience.

SCREW THAT! Now I am EXCITED to go whole-hog into all-grain home brewing by simply adding a bag and a pulley. My friend’s chickens get more spent grain, I make the same quality (or better) beer for less per batch, and I haven’t added any equipment, costs, space or even much time to my process. WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN.

Thank you HBF and BIAB!!

Will T 10/8/15 - from "Dispelling Brew In a Bag Misconceptions" on HBF. 

Hi Guys

Have yet to use the bag, still using my own home made one, but its not a great bag, Im an engineer not a tailor. Its done ten brews now and is on its last legs so the next brew will be with your bag. But I have to say compared to my effort, this bag looks great quality and well up to the job. I shall post a review after use, and I am confident it will be a favorable one.

Kris F 2/29/16


Just brewed my 75th batch with the same bag. No evidence of any structural problems. What an awesome product. Thanks!

Bob P 2/24/16

Awesome bag!  Brewed my first BIAB this weekend and everything worked out great. Used a pulley system to lift it up, then squeeze it.  Hit my initial numbers exactly!  Thanks for a great product!

Keith 2/22/16

David S had this to say about WTGR (Water To Grain Ratio)

I generally do 2 quarts per pound, then use the remaining water needed to rinse to my desired volume, or to mash out.. Works for me. Since I learned the techniques Rex mentioned above, I never miss my gravity. As I said, there is only so much sugar in the grains. Higher WTGR ratios actually improve efficiency, and whatever kind of brewer you are, I suggest strongly considering a quality voile bag as part of your lautering system. When I use my 3v Gravity system, I use a voile bag. I no longer have to vorlauf and I can grind finer. The end result is consistently higher efficiency. I average 82.5% BIAB and 78.9% 3 vessel.


I just wanted to let you know that I used my new bag for the first time on Saturday. It was great! I had a lot less mess because it fit the cooler perfectly, allowed me to raise it so it drained properly and I was able to easily do a dunk sparge with it in the brew kettle.

Thanks much for the great product

J Olson

Hi guys,

I just received my brew bag. WOW, the quality is incredible.
Thank you so much for this great product!
(The sticker goes on the kegerator)


 Just brewed batch number 50 with my bag. Looks like it will go another 50! Thanks for such an excellent piece of craftsmanship.

Bob P


Please forgive my poor manners. I neglected to contact you before now to compliment you on your excellent service and great product. My brew bag arrived very quickly and I have been impressed by its construction and performance on its maiden voyage.....many more brews to come.
Very impressed and satisfied customer.
Regards from Sydney (Australia). Anthony


Robert Hilferding
2014 AHA Homebrewer of the Year.

I started BIAB about a year ago and am a huge fan and advocate of the brewing method. The only weak spot I found was the bag itself. The brew bag is my fifth purchased bag in less than a year — others were not fine enough, didn’t last past a few brews or were cheaply made and fell apart. My wife had made a bag that was pretty darn good… but did not have webbing and had to be lifted with a strainer from the brew kettle. She said a new sewing machine would help…

So now I have The Brew Bag.

I was excited when The Brew Bag came in the mail. The product was very well made with reinforcing straps and cross stitching at the pressure points. I was very happy with the bag - just wished it has a drawstring or elastic at the top so I could avoid using clips on my pot.

I brewed a batch of Porter using the same recipe I have used for BIAB before. I milled the grain at .30 instead of .37 to test if the bag was going to work for me. At the end of the brew my OG was .6 points higher! Good clean wort and easy as a breeze to lift it out. I use a block and tackle suspended over the pot to remove the bag.

I rinsed the bag and inspected it for damage from my metal mash paddle. The bag was in perfect shape with no dings, tears, or damage.

I will be using this bag from here on and am very impressed with the quality and the value. If you are just getting in to all-grain I urge you to start with Brew in a Bag. If you are already brewing in a 2 or 3 vessel system, give BIAB a try. Less work, less cleanup, and less time in the brew day.

Either way, you can’t go wrong with The Brew Bag!



Brewed another batch of my watermelon wheat "Spittin' Seeds" tonight, ended up with an OG of 1.042 with an efficiency of 80% on a 5 gallon batch. Kept my mash right at/around 156 for the whole hour, and made sure I stirred and pulled the grains off of the bottom every 15 minutes. I still can't believe what great efficiency you can get out of BIAB without all the fancy equipment. AND my wife loves that I'm not taking up the whole garage.

Jason D. 5/15/15

Just had a chance for the first time to use the bag you made me for a 58 gallon drum. Here is a couple pictures of the bag hanging from a winch with over 400 lbs in it. As you can guess I am very happy with it.

S.Spencer 5/11/15

Now that Ive been using BIAB, I've been charting gravity readings every 5 minutes during each brew. Usually I get full conversion in the 35-40 minute range but this one took around 90 minutes at 150 deg mash temp. I understand that conversion takes longer at "lower" temps but this surprised me. However, I did get compaction in the grain bed as I was recirculating with the RIMS and I had to stir the mash more frequently than I've had to in the past.

Joe K 5/10/15

Rex. I need to order a second bag for another 160 quart cooler. 

You prob have the measurements from my previous order. If not cooler measurements are below.

These bags rock!!!!

Jack 5/9/15

I'm just writing to say thanks for a great product. Works well and is a real time saver. Did my first run with it as a no sparge BIAB, going to try it next with batch sparge step. Lovely to be able to open that valve and let 'er rip without worrying about mash gumming up and getting stuck. Showed it to our other club members at the last meeting and they were all impressed and intriqued by it. Looks very durable too.

Diane G 4/8/15

Used your BIAB bag for the first time yesterday (and yes...I bought one of the original ones you made. Invoice date 8/6/13 and invoice #3!!!!) I have 2 comments to make: 1. This thing is fantastic and 2. Why did I wait so long?? Used it in conjunction with a RIMS tube. Minimal insulation since I let the tube do the work. Hit ALL numbers to the "t" (pre boil gravity, OG and volume) all in ... wait for it... 3.5 hrs! If all brew days are like this I think I will have some equipment to sell.

Joe K 3/22/15

Just received my brew bag in the mail and it fit my 52qt.igloo cooler perfectly.  Thanks..  looks and fits great.

1/7/15 Tim H

yeah man! I'll leave a review up on the site first chance I get today. Best thing about that bag is probably that it's so dang easy to clean out! That just blew me away! I dumped the grains, rinsed for maybe 2 minutes, and there was no grain left on it! I don't know how the beer is yet, but a hot scotchie from the wort was awesome, and last nights taste before bottling was fantastic :) 

10/15/14 Brownsburg, IN


Just wanted to say that you've got a great product. I used your bag for the first time this weekend after using a generic nylon BIAB bag from the LHBS for the better part of a year. It made brew day all the smoother - better fit in the kettle, more even distribution of grains, much easier to lift out, and super easy to clean (my other bag is of a much courser material so grain bits got stuck in everywhere).

Keep it up!

 10/6/14 Brooklyn, NY


Thanks for the responses / designing a product to really take advantage of BIAB.  I actually laughed when I compared the mesh density of my morebeer.com  bag to this one.  No wonder I’ve had so much trub in my batches…
Chris W 9/5/14

Also - I encourage more people to attend the tech sessions.  Last week Rex Slagel spoke about Brew in a Bag.  I admit my first inclination was "Oh man I'm all grain that is for newbies."  Everyone really liked what they saw.  It isn't anything overly complicated besides a different filter medium instead of a false bottom/manifold/steel mesh.  But it cuts out steps in Sparging and Lautering and some clean up.  
Getting 1.5 to 2 hours back on a basic one step mash beers sounds pretty good to me!   It would be a great option to direct a friend to who is interested in learning to brew or build a system in lieu of even trying kits.  Low cost, easy procedure with tested results. 
 B. Williams - Urban Knaves of Grain Homebrew Club 8/20/14

The bag worked great!  I brewed back to back 5 gallon batches without any problems.  My efficiency was about 66%, which is typical for my no-sparge brews.
The last beer I brewed with my MLT cooler felt like "work".  BIAB in a keggle made brewing feel fun again.
And my back really appreciated not lifting and pouring gallons of water for infusion mashes.
After I was finished, all I had to do was hose the bag clean and hang it to dry.
Overall I think it was a very successful maiden voyage for BIABing and my keggle.
I still have a little bit of work to do on the keggle, though.  When I get a valve fitted on and a thermometer installed, I'll try out some manual recirculation to see if I can increase my efficiency and even out mash temps.
I'm still waiting on the brews.  I brewed a blonde ale and a stout and fermented them with Kolsch yeast.  They took ~10 days to ferment.  I just dropped the temperature to cold crash/lager them for a week.  Then it will be another three weeks in the bottle before I know the results.
John C 8/16/14 


Thank you for the quick turnaround...and yup- second bag. Just got a new brew kettle and it was a natural to order a second one, from you, as I was so impressed by the first one.
Michael 8/2/14 Florence, MA
Ha, the funny thing is that I took the all grain plunge last year, built a mash tun out of a giant cooler and a manifold out of copper pipe. The thing that sold me is the 3.5 hour all grain brew day with BIAB. I have two young kids and it'll be much easier to talk my wife babysitting while I brew if it's 3.5 hours instead of 7.
I have placed my order!
- KC D 6/18/14 Ohio


Well, I brewed a nice size English amber with my new Brew Bag. Have to say, I love it! Fit great in my 10 gallon Rubbermaid as well as the keggle it was designed for. With the reinforcement bands I was not scared to get serious about my squeezing. After that, cleanup was a breeze. Dump the grain and a quick rinse under the faucet outside and it was good. No grain stuck in the bag like when I used a 5 gallon paint strainer. Two thumbs up! I would get another in a heartbeat.
Chris L 4/14/14 Newport, TN


Looking down on the cooler (Plastic Tank) it is 12” x 24”. The liquid depth is 12”. There is a 1.75” lip all-around as well, that the bag has to slip over. Let me attach a pdf from the manufacturer.Thanks for your help. Awesome product!
- Brian K 2/19/14


Just writing to let you know, I'm using the brew bag right now for the first time, I set up a gambrel and 7 to 1 pulley for extra easy cleanup! Thank you so much for this awesome system!
- James W. 2/23/14 Tucson, AZ


"I went to my three kettle system to brew this morning, and found only one kettle and The Brew Bag. All grain brewing on a three kettle system with fly sparging from milling to heating strike water to pitching yeast to clean kettles typically takes me 6 hours. All grain brewing with The Brew Bag took under 3.5 hours. Of those, nearly 3 of them allowed me to just walk away, set a timer, and do something else. While I was brewing I kept thinking 'this feels like cheating', until I remembered: I control the recipe, I control the grain-to-water ratio, I control the temperatures, I control the mash time, I control the boil time, I control the hop additions, I control the fermentation. The only thing I cheated was time and effort. This was so effortless and I still hit my target pre-boil gravity and volume. And clean-up? What clean-up? I'm definitely doing this again."
- DK, Bolingbrook, IL (Aug. 7, 2013)


"Well made! Shipped fast!
- ruddavator (Nov. 17, 2013) 

"Great quality. Best BIAB bag I've seen. Thanks.
- scott_56 (Nov. 18, 2013)

"I would give this BIAB bag 6 stars if I could, adding the strapping to the top was well worth the extra money."
- t-bobuckeye (Nov. 28, 2013)