The Brew Bag Blog — double mill grain

Brew In A Bag vs.The Dreaded Stuck Sparge

BIAB brew in a bag cooler mash tun double mill grain fly sparging grain crush home brewing how to brew no sparge Paint strainer PVC manifiold sparging stuck sparge The Brew Bag thick mash thin mash water to grain ratio wort wort filter

Brew In A Bag vs.The Dreaded Stuck Sparge

We read a lot of articles on the brewing process, and lately we came across two that addressed the issue of the dreaded stuck sparge. The sparge is post mash washing of the sugars from the grains and is accomplished by methodically adding just enough water to the mash tun to "float" the top portion of the grain bed. To allow outflow some sort of manifold with approximately 1/16" holes is inserted in the bottom of the tun. This lets gravity and pressure work together to provide an outlet for the heavier sugar laden wort. The manifold is connected to...

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Homebrew Academy review of the The Brew Bag®

BIAB brew in a bag brew in a bag bags double mill grain fabric for a brew bag home brewing how to brew making a brew bag mash sparging stuck sparge The Brew Bag voile wort filter

Homebrew Academy review of the The Brew Bag®

Todd Hamm took our Round Cooler Bag for a test drive. You can see his video here. 

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Mill Gap EXBEERIMENT - Coarse crush vs Fine

double mill grain grain crush mill gap setting polyester fabric The Brew Bag wort filter

Interested to find out if the mill setting makes a difference? We've done our own experiments as well and coupled with many BIAB brewers comments from around the web, come to the same conclusion - a finer crush aids in faster more complete conversion, higher efficiency numbers, and in our humble limited opinion a better tasting beer - but we're a bit biased on the taste side of things. The folks at Brulosophy conducted a test that you can find here.

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